Parental Rights and Responsibilities Disputes and Requests
Make use of any of our Parental Rights and Responsibilities Disputes and Requests services.
Obtaining primary residence of a minor child, or gaining contact and access with a minor child after divorce, or in general, is a stressful but necessary process and therefore, it is best to obtain legal services in order for the matter to be dealt with correctly and calmly. There are many things that are taken into account in such events and decisions made by the Courts in this regard are not made lightly, especially when contested by another party. We will guide and support our client through the entirety of this process. We are also able to assist in drafting and finalisation of Parenting Plans, alternatively assist in changing an existing Parenting Plan.


Our specialised legal team is dedicated to resolve issues effectively and efficiently, with our client’s best interest always at heart.


Before becoming the sole Director of her own firm, Corlette Denton worked at a top law firm.

Client satisfaction

Our clients are at the forefront of our service and we strive to exceed their expectations

Varied fields of expertise

We have varied areas of practice, thus we do not limit ourselves to the type of client we can service

Operating throughout SA

We are based in Pretoria, but this does not limit who and where we can assist and represent